Basic Qualifications of Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship - தொழில்முனைவாளர் மற்றும் தொழில் முனைவு திறத்தின் அடிப்படை…
Basic Qualifications of Entrepreneur
& Entrepreneurship - தொழில்முனைவாளர் மற்றும் தொழில் முனைவு திறத்தின் அடிப்படை…
Indian prime minister is motivating major entrepreneurship projects of the
country like Startup and Make in India. The intent of all these programs is
develop and create new entrepreneurs and manufacturers because mass of fresh
young Indian population wants lakhs of new job opportunities.
India was little more developed on service sectors like software, medicine and
medical services but known or unknown we create more engineers so that we must
develop new manufacturing industries, infra sector fields and also establish
worldwide technologies. If any one country developed to multi field industries
and sectors that as one country's real economic strength, so that reason we
want to create more entrepreneurs and manufacturers for depend of new fields.
may think "you are just an
astrologer, and you talk more that depends of fate" so I am confusing what
exactly trying to say. "Yes, I depend of fate maths but few one
understand concept of fate." Now I would not explain to the concept
of fate because it will take time. So what I am trying
to say the qualified youths start up and step up to get new entrepreneur.
we are identified to qualified youths through one's horoscope. Rasi chart have
12 houses and 1st house and 4th house and 10th house and its territory planets
told Self-Developing, Entrepreneurship, Education Skills and Manage Professional Commitments. 3rd house and 7th house and
11th house and its territory planets told Innovations, Courageous
Professional Move, Partnership, Organization Skills and Expert of Earning.
one category - 1st house and 4th house and 10th house
and its territory planets.
two category - 3rd house and 7th house and 11th house
and its territory planets.
measures told when one rasi chart 1st house and 4th
house and 10th house and its territory planets is in the own territory house
and its exaltation house, and when one rasi chart 3rd house and 7th house and 11th house and its territory planets is
in the own territory house and its exaltation house. Above these two division
categories planets minimum two or three planets are in the own territory house
and its exaltation house to the rasi chart and navamsa or dasamsa chart it is
the basic qualification to start business or manufacturer unit.
Above two
division categories planets minimum two or three planets are in the same house,
opposite house, own star foot, neechapangam it is also one of the
one Planets – Mars, Jupiter, Moon.
two Planets – Mercury, Venus, Saturn.
measures told when these above two division planets
minimum three planets are in the own territory house and its exaltation house
to the rasi chart and navamsa or dasamsa chart and it is the basic
qualification to start business or manufacturer unit.
when one person has of these qualifications his rasi chart and navamsa or
dasamsa chart that person capable to start new business or manufacturer
எனக்கு வெகுநாட்களாக நமது நாட்டிற்கு புதிய நடிகர்களோ, விளையாட்டு வீரர்களோ ஏன் ஜோதிடர்கள் கூட அத்தியாவசிய விஷய தேவையில்லை இந்த
நாட்டிற்கு முதல் முக்கியத் தேவை நல்ல தொழில்முனைவாளர்கள்,
ஏற்றுமதியாளர்கள் என்ற எண்ணம்
இருந்தது இதில் தொழில் முனைவு
திறத்தித்திற்க்காக இந்த ஜோதிட பதிவை ஆங்கிலத்தில் எழுத ஆரம்பித்தேன் அது சரியாக
சென்றதால் இதை தமிழ் படுத்தாமல் அப்படியே ஆங்கிலத்திலேயே தந்துவிட்டேன்
- ஜோதிஷ் சிவதத்துவ சிவம்
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